SHADOW YOGA is a dynamic style of hatha yoga founded by Sundernath (Shandor Remete). It focuses on alignment, positioning and controlled breathing. Set forms, or preludes are taught to prepare the body for varying stages of practice in a step by step pattern of unfolding movement. Through the repetition of the stances, stiffness in the joints and muscles is relieved; attention to alignment corrects postural difficulties; and the emphasis on breathing draws the mind inwards and cultivates a calm, quiet steadiness free of tension and stress. It is appropriate for people of any age, with any level of experience, but will appeal particularly to those with an interest in Yoga, martial arts, or the internal arts.
Balakrama – “Stepping into strength” – The first prelude relieves stiffness in the joints, removes the obstructions which block the flow of vital energy and makes the body supple and strong. This is the starting point for the beginner.
Chaya Yoddha Sanchalanam – “Churning the shadow warrior” – Here the inner fire is cultivated. Co-ordinated movement of the limbs, combined with the application of the bandhas (internal locks), awakens the energy made available by the first form.
Kartikkeya Mandalam – “Garland of light” – The twisting and turning movements of the last form circulate internal energy and refine the body’s native intelligence. This is for experienced students only and should not be attempted until the first two forms have been learned.